Hi bloggers
If i could go to a country i would choose France, but why? I’ve
choosed France cause i really like the language. I’ve tried to learn French but it’s hard, well, i know
that if i practice i’ll be able to talk with a foreign . Also in France i have
family. When i was a child i had the opportunity to talk with a cousin that
lives in Paris, she speaks french and spanish, that’s why i’ve understood her.
France have a lot of beautiful places, so i’d like to visit all of them
(specifically Le Champs Elysees and The
Louvre museum) and take pictures, tons and tons of pictures , but i don’t know
much about France’s history because i
was so bad at history at school. I forgot to say that live in France was my
childhood dream, get a job there, maybe get married, make my life there… well i
keep that in mind, maybe someday, nobody knows.
And where you would go?.