Saturday, November 30, 2019

Post 6 postgraduate studies

Hi bloggers it’s me again, it’s been a while but i’m back with a new topic, in this post I’ll talk about postgraduate studies. As you may know i’m studying Engineering in Natural resources and I’m in my first year but when I finish my undergraduate progam I want to do a major abroad, but I’m undecided if I would do it in France or in another country but for sure I’ll do it in Europe cause i like it and it’s a great place. The major i want would be something related with renewable energy or some safe and efficient energies that replaces fossil fuels. This is the course that i want for my life and it has been in my head for a while because i want a nuclear reactor in Chile supporting our renewable energies like eolic and solar energy but it’s hard to build one of those reactors here in Chile cause we are the top 1 or 2 of the countries with most numbers of earthquakes in the planet so it would be a risky choice. Anyways I would like to study as normal as now, not part-time or some strange way, just study like here in Antumapu, the same system and maybe the same amount of hours or an university with flexible Schedule, I don’t know, maybe the time will decide that. And you guys, what you think about the search of new types of energy?. C ya bloggers!

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