Saturday, November 30, 2019

Post 7 cooking recipes

Hi hi hi bloggers, new day and a new blog, today… cooking recipes. Well i have tos ay that I’m bad at cooking, I’m not acquainted with the kitchen. In my house usually my mom cooks and sometimes my dad does. Well, being honest, yes, i’ve coocked before but just for me, not for everybody in my house, also I help at the kitchen. As I said I’ve tried to cook twice or maybe more times, I just remember two times with a great succes the first when I cooked French fries and another with pancakes, these are simple recipes but not anyone can do them well, every dish has a difficult for example french fries, if you don’t know when the oil is ready you can mess these fries easily, with pancakes is easier cause you just have to mix milk, eggs, flour and then is ready to cook, with this dish I need the recipe because I always forget how much flour, eggs and milk i need, so this is for you guys, you need 1 cup of milk, 1 cup of flour and 2 eggs, just mix them carefully and ready to cook, it takes like a minute for pancake, with this recipe you can get about 9 pancakes. When they’re finished you can use whatever you want to put on them as cyrup, marmalade, caramel, etc. Easy and Delicious, make them and enjoy. I hope this helps you when you want an easy desert. Bye bloggers see you next time with a new topic.

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